Summer’s here—and you can help D&S
get through the dry season!
Be a part of the cure!
Does your STOMACH CHURN every time you hear another talking head intone that Social Security and Medicare just have to be cut?
Do you GRIND YOUR TEETH whenever you read about big banks doing the exact same things they were doing before the crisis?
Does your HEAD HURT when you think about how corporate profits have rebounded while millions face unemployment and austerity?
Dollars & Sense is your remedy! D&S helps fight off the symptoms of mainstream political delirium and provides prescriptions for a healthier economy.
But D&S suffers from a chronic summer drought. In particular, our main source of revenue—textbook sales—dries up over the summer months. Meanwhile, we still have bills to pay, as we prepare our Annual Labor Issue, edit new editions of our books, and prepare for fall semester college textbook orders.
To weather this hot, dry season, we rely on donations from supporters like you! Please help Dollars & Sense thrive this summer, by making a tax-deductible contribution today.
Your donation will help us:
Publish new editions of our two best-selling textbooks: Real World Macro and Real World Micro;
Produce the Annual Labor Issue, with the latest news and analysis about work and workers;
Prepare three new editions for the spring 2012 semester: Real World Globalization, Real World Latin America, and Current Economic Issues.
Dollars & Sense is a non-profit, 501c(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Please give as generously as you can today to help D&S have a healthy summer! You can also call in your donation at (617) 447-2177, or donate by check, made payable to: Dollars & Sense, 29 Winter St., Boston, MA 02108.
A special gift of appreciation
If you can donate $50 or more, we’d like to send you a copy of the brand-new book by two D&S favorites, Arthur MacEwan (a/k/a Dr. Dollar) and John Miller: Economic Collapse, Economic Change: Getting to the Roots of the Crisis (published in June 2011 by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.).
This engaging new book explains the ongoing economic crisis, emphasizing the nexus of economic inequality, undemocratic power, and market-worshiping ideology. Economic Collapse, Economic Change will appeal to general readers seeking to go beyond the headlines to understand the underlying problems that continue to make the American economy vulnerable.
“MacEwan and Miller don’t just dissect the nature of our current economic crisis; they diagnose its roots in decades of policy foibles produced by a political system corrupted by gross inequality. And they do more than that. They outline a strategy for changing politics and policy that flows logically from their diagnosis. Anyone interested in keeping our country from going over an economic and social cliff should buy this book, read it carefully, and get their friends and colleagues to do the same.”
— Peter B. Evans, professor of sociology, University of California, Berkeley
Please help Dollars & Sense by making a tax-deductible donation today. Your gift is an investment in the continuing struggle for economic justice.
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Click here to donate $50 or more and receive a free copy of Economic Collapse, Economic Change.
If you prefer to contribute by check, please send your donation to:
Dollars & Sense
29 Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108