The Coronavirus Crisis Reader, 2nd ed.
Edited by Gerald Friedman, Elizabeth T. Henderson, Abhilasha Srivastava, Chris Sturr, and the Dollars & Sense collective

- Date of publication:
- August 2021
- 978-1-939402-55-4
- Pages:
- 154
- Price:
- $16.95
The Coronavirus Crisis Reader, 2nd edition, is an essential guide to the economics of the Covid-19 pandemic. Its well-researched, clearly written articles are drawn from the pages of Dollars & Sense, the leading magazine of popular economics, with additional articles from Monthly Review, Dissent, the Economic Policy Institute, and the Independent Media Institute. The anthology provides highly accessible analyses of the origins and contours of the crisis; work, wages, and unemployment during the pandemic; and global and policy responses to the crisis.
The Coronavirus Crisis Reader’s distinguished contributors include Gerald Epstein, Jayati Ghosh, John Miller, Alejandro Reuss, Pavlina Tcherneva, and many others.