Costs of Empire
Edited by Alejandro Reuss, Chris Sturr, and the Dollars & Sense collective

- Date of publication:
- December 2018
- 978-1-939402-40-0
- Pages:
- 134
- Price:
- $16.95
Costs of Empire compiles articles that ran in the pages of Dollars & Sense magazine as part of a project suggested to the Dollars & Sense collective by our long-time supporter John Maher, to whose memory this book is dedicated. The Costs of Empire project sought to highlight issues, critical to our present and future, explaining the shape of the capitalist world economy today, including the roles of international financial institutions (IFIs), the reshaping of the world economy through trade-and-investment agreements, the distribution of income and wealth (and power) worldwide, and the unequal distribution of the costs and benefits of environmental degradation. This project sought to draw out the connections among these issues and the global role of the United States: who benefits from its exercise of economic, political, and military power worldwide, how the global power of U.S. elites further concentrates their power in the economic and political spheres, and the toll this inflicts on ordinary people both in the United States and around the world.