Empowering Women in the Building Trades

BY ERICKA WILLS | May/June 2024

This article is from Dollars & Sense: Real World Economics, available at http://www.dollarsandsense.org

issue 371 cover

This article is from the
May/June 2024 issue.

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Women Build Wisconsin (empowerherwi.org/women-buildwisconsin); empowHER Wisconsin (empowherwi.org); “Investing in America,” The White House (whitehouse.gov/build or build.gov); “Readout of Meeting with NABTU Tradeswomen on Opportunities for Women to Secure Good Jobs in Construction Trades,” The White House, December 6, 2023 (whitehouse.gov); “Working Women: A Snapshot,” U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) blog, February 28, 2022 (blog.dol.gov); “Women in the labor force: a databook,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2022 (bls.gov); “Numbers Matter: Clarifying the Data on Women Working in Construction,” Institute for Women’s Policy Research, March 31, 2022 (iwpr.org); “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives in the Construction Trades,” The Institute for Construction Employment Research, March 2022 (nabtu.org); “Here to Stay: Black, Latina, and Afro-Latina Women in Construction Trades Apprenticeships and Employment,” National Center for Women’s Equality in Apprenticeship and Employment, April 2021 (womensequitycenter.org); “Explore Registered Apprenticeship,” U.S. Department of Labor, August 2023 (apprenticeship.gov); “Women in Apprenticeship” U.S. Department of Labor, November 2023 (apprenticeship.gov); Ryan Farrell and William Lawhorn, “Beyond construction trades: Apprenticeships in a variety of careers,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2022 (bls.gov); Rebecca Daniel, “Meeting the Moment: Expanding Career Pathways for Women,” U.S. Department of Labor blog, October 26, 2022 (dol.gov); “Prevailing Wage and the Inflation Reduction Act,” U.S. Department of Labor, August 29, 2023 (dol.gov); “Fact Sheet: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Highlights New Commitments Toward Equitable Workforce Development in Advanced Manufacturing,” The White House, January 23, 2024 (whitehouse.gov); Construction-Building Trades Council of Milwaukee (milwbuildingtrades.org); “Child Care Pilots,” Trades Futures (tradesfutures.org); Sarah Gammage, Naziha Sultana, and Manon Mouron, “The Hidden Coats of Unpaid Caregiving,” International Monetary Fund, November 2022 (imf.org); Milwaukee Areal Labor Council (milwaukeelabor.org); WRTP | BIG STEP (wrtp.org).

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