The Coronavirus Crisis Reader, 2nd ed.
Edited by Gerald Friedman, Elizabeth T. Henderson, Abhilasha Srivastava, Chris Sturr, and the Dollars & Sense collective

- Date of publication:
- August 2021
- 978-1-939402-55-4
- Pages:
- 154
- Price:
- $16.95
- Chapter 1—Origins And Contours of The Crisis
- 1.1 Coronavirus: A Capitalist Crisis
- 1.2 The Trump Administration Was Ruining the Pre-Covid-19 Economy Too, Just More Slowly
- 1.3 Covid-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism
- 1.4 Disaster Capitalism and Covid-19
- 1.5 The Stock Market and the Coronavirus Crisis
- 1.6 Caring by the Dollar: Nursing Homes, Private Equity, and Covid-19
Chapter 2—Coronavirus, Capitalism, and the Workers’ Movement
- 2.1 Not Simply a “Natural Disaster”
- 2.2 How the Coronavirus Crisis Became an Economic Crisis
- 2.3 How Inequality Kills, and How to Fight It in the Era of Covid-19
Chapter 3—Global Responses to the Crisis
- 3.1 The Pandemic and the Global Economy
- 3.2 Are Governments Economically Stupid in Failing to Suspend Patent Protections for Vaccines?
- 3.3 Stringent, Stingy, and Severe: The Covid-19 Crisis in Modi’ s India
- 3.4 Essential—and Expendable—Mexican Labor
- 3.5 Responding to Covid-19: A Review of Cuba’ s Strategy
- 3.6 Community Infrastructure and the Care Crises: An Evaluation of China's Covid-19 Experience
Chapter 4—Work, Wages, and Unemployment in the Pandemic
- 4.1 Unemployment Insurance: A Safety Net with Holes
- 4.2 Actual Effects of Enhanced Unemployment Benefits
- 4.3 Covid-19 Destroyed the Illusions of the Restaurant Industry
- 4.5 “Hero Pay” and Covid-19
- 4.6 Guaranteed Employment or Guaranteed Unemployment—Which Path to a Post-Pandemic World?
Chapter 5—Policy Responses to the Crisis
- 5.1 The Coronavirus Consensus: “Spend, Spend, Spend”
- 5.2 It’ s Time to Ditch “Pay-For” Politics
- 5.3 The Fed’s Response to the Coronavirus Crisis
- 5.4 State and Local Fiscal Austerity
- 5.5 Pandemic Mail
- 5.6 Solidarity Beyond the Crisis
- Contributors