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D&S Real World Economics Books—Informative, Engaging, Critical

Manchester from Kersal Moor

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Economics of the Environment cover

You want to teach students about economic ideas in a way that is relevant to events today. An economics that is rich with history, institutions, groups, conflicts—that looks like the flesh-and-blood real world. Dollars & Sense's Real World Economics books can help. Spanning a wide range of topics, they are suitable for courses in economics, sociology, political science, and other social sciences. And they will get your students interested and engaged with the issues.

The Economics of the Environment provides real-world applications of economic theory to the environmental problems of today. Its articles illustrate the importance of economics, and especially of alternatives to neoclassical environmental economics, for understanding these critical issues.

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A clear and compelling anthology

Learn more Economics of the Environment, 3rd edition.
ISBN: 978-1-878585-90-5. List Price: $32.95

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This timely anthology from Dollars & Sense tackles the issues of environmental destruction and resource depletion that mainstream economics—and mainstream texts—fail to address adequately.

Praise for Dollars & Sense's Real World Economics books:

"Lead students to ask the type of questions they should be asking."
—DAVID COLANDER, Middlebury College

"A marvelous teaching tool." —TIM KOECHLIN, Vassar College

"Accessible yet without compromise of rigor." —GERALD SUSSMAN, Portland State University

Introduce your students to Real World Economics:

America Beyond CapitalismReal World Banking and Finance (7th ed.)

Current Economic Issues (18th ed.)The Economic Crisis Reader (2nd ed.)

NEW! The Economics of the Environment (3rd ed.)Real World Globalization (13th ed.)

Introduction to Political Economy (7th ed.)Labor and the Global Economy

Real World Labor (2nd ed.)Real World Latin America (2nd ed.)

NEW! Real World Macro (32nd ed.)NEW! Real World Micro (22nd ed.)

NEW! Microeconomics: Individual Choice in Communities (2nd ed.)

Striking a Balance: Work, Family, LifeThe Wealth Inequality Reader (4th ed.)

Unlevel Playing Fields: Understanding Wage Inequality and Discrimination (4th ed.)

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